US - A new source of soy protein concentrate can be used in diets fed to weanling pigs without negatively affecting digestibility of energy or nutrients, according to research conducted at the University of Illinois.“Soy protein concentrate is typically produced by using an alcohol extraction process to remove soluble carbohydrates from soybean meal," said Hans H Stein, professor of animal sciences at the University of Illinois. "However, a new soy protein concentrate has been developed which combines a non-alcohol extraction process with enzymatic treatment of soybean meal." 根据伊利诺斯州大学(University of Illinois)进行的研究显示,刚断奶的仔猪可以食用采用新主意生产的浓缩大豆蛋白,不会有任何影响能量消化率与营养吸收率的负面效果。伊利诺斯州的动物学系教授Hans H Stein说:“浓缩大豆蛋白的提取,通常是通过醇提工艺除去豆粕中的可溶性碳水化合物。”然而,科学家开辟出一种新的大豆浓缩蛋白提取主意,即结合豆粕的弥卅理,采用无酒精萃取工艺,提取浓缩大豆蛋白。