CANADA - Remarks by Jae Cheol Kim, Murdoch University, Australia, during the swine breakout session at the 2016 World Nutrition Forum in Vancouver, Canada.Efficient utilization of dietary protein is affected by many factors including the animal’s physiological requirements for amino acids, genetic potential for protein deposition, digestion/absorption of dietary amino acids, use of antibiotics, and metabolism/partitioning of absorbed amino acids. Although other factors are equally important for protein utilization efficiency, this presentation will highlight the roles of immune and stress responses of pigs on protein utilization efficiency as pigs in commercial production system are exposed to considerable environmental stressors that alter the way pigs partition the absorbed nutrients. Emphasis will be given to the currently available nutritional strategies to achieve more efficient protein utilization under such environmental stress. 摘自澳大利亚默多克大学的Jae Cheol Kim在加拿大温哥华举办的2016年世界营养论坛养猪分会上的一段话。有许多因素影响着饮食中蛋白质的高效利用率。其中包括动物对氨基酸、蛋白质沉淀的基因潜质、饮食中氨基酸的消化/吸收、抗生素的使用、消化后的氨基酸分配/代谢的生理需求。虽然其他因素对于蛋白质利用率的影响也很大,但是由于猪在商业化生产系统中接触的环境压力相当大,以至于改变了猪对吸收后营养物质的分配方式,本次报告将追守介绍猪的免疫与应激反对付蛋白质高效利用的影响。把重点放在可行的营养策略上,在这些环境压力下获得更高效的蛋白质利用率。