两个人在一起就是互相寻求一种安全感,找到一个让自己有安全感的人是多么可贵,想要对方信任自己的话,那么一定要给对方安全干,不管在年年有我都会陪着你的说说都有哪些呢?我们一起来看看我一直都在的简短说说吧。 1.想让你今天陪在我身边,明天陪在我身边,想让你天天都陪在我身边。 I want you to be with me today and tomorrow, and I want you to be with me every day. 有的时候什么都不用说,什么都不用做,我们会一起收拾行囊,奔赴下一场颠沛流离。Sometimes what do not have to say, what do not do, we will pack together, go to the next displaced. 2.你难过的时候,我会在,你开心的时候,我也会在,只要你需要的时候,我就会一直在。 When you are sad, I will be there. When you are happy, I will be there. As long as you need me, I will always be there. 3.我要把所有的温柔和温暖都留给你,让你知道你才是最值得的人。 I want to leave all the tenderness and warmth to you, let you know that you are the most worthy of the person. 4.我总会在我们的对话框里等着你的消息,因为我怕错过你的任何一条消息。 I always wait for your message in our dialog box, because I am afraid of missing any of your messages. 5.所以遇到你,我是不会轻易放手的,你是我不可多得的期待和意外。 Therefore, I will not let you go easily. You are my rare expectation and accident. 6.频繁更新的动态,是想要吸引你的注意力,换个角度来讲,是想要吸引你。 Frequent updates are meant to catch your attention, or in other words, to catch your attention. 7.把每一场普通的烟火,都当成最浪漫的烟火,然后我们慢慢相遇,一起慢慢变老。 Every common fireworks, as the most romantic fireworks, and then we meet slowly, slowly grow old together. 8.我不知道这道选择题会不会留下遗憾,只知道既然选择了就要接受任何结果。 I don't know if this multiple choice question will leave any regret, but I know that since I choose, I will accept any result. 9.一眼望不尽的欢喜,有蓝色的天空和最爱的你。 Look at endless joy, the blue sky and my favorite you. 10.偷偷地把你藏在星星里,是我想做的最浪漫的一件事。 Hiding you in the stars is the most romantic thing I could ever do. 11.别担心,只要你需要,我一直都在。 Don't worry, I'll be there for you as long as you need me. 不管怎样我都会陪着你的说说就给大家分享完啦,这些句子发给你喜欢的人,都能够给他一定的安全感哦,我一直都在的简短说说喜欢的朋友可以收藏起来。 |