asleep做形容词表示睡着的; 休眠的; 麻木的; 已死的;副词的意思是熟睡地; 处于麻木不仁的状态; 长眠。asleep 反义词是形容词awake。asleep 相关词组是fall asleep : 入睡, 睡着的。以下是小编整理的内容,大家可以参考。 asleep的例句整理 But when I think of him sound asleep clutching a plastic bowl for a sick child, he tugs on my heartstrings 但是当我想到他于酣睡中,为了病中的孩子,仍紧紧抓住那个塑料碗,此情此景确实令我怦然心动。 "For fear lest the precious jade might disappear while Baoyu was asleep, Xifeng had it fetched and put it under her own pillow." "凤姐因怕通灵玉失落,便等宝玉睡下,命人拿来塞在自己枕边." "High school students often study late into the night, so it is usual for some of them to fall asleep in class." 不少高中生都学习到很晚,所以经常会出现学生上课睡觉的情况。 That night after Baoyu and Nanny Li were asleep, Xiren noticed that Daiyu and Yingge were still up in the inner room. 是晚,宝玉李嬷嬷已睡了,他见里面黛玉和鹦哥犹未安息。 asleep的用法 1、asleep不用于比较等级。 2、asleep在句中也可用作宾语补足语。asleep表示的是与awake相对的状态有时含有“本该清醒但却睡了”得意思。 3、asleep的基本含义是“睡着”,泛指已经进入了睡眠的状态。引申可表示“麻木的”“平静的静止的”;也可表示“玩忽职守的”。 4、asleep的用法:asleep是表语形容词,偶尔用作定语时须后置带有修饰语时也可前置。 |