die away和die down的区别:中文含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。die away意为“逐渐消失”,常用在动词之后,是一个静态的动词词组;die down意为“逐渐平息”,在句中作状语、表语或补语,是一个动态的动词词组。 die away的含义及用法 die away意为(声音)变弱,逐渐消失。例句有: 1、The firing finally began to die away in the late afternoon 到了临近傍晚时枪炮声终于渐渐停息。 2、Tonight showers will die away to leave a dry evening with some clear periods. 今天夜间没有降雨,将保持干燥晴朗。 3、Many animals die because we take away their shelter and food. 许多动物死去了,因为我们夺走了它们的庇护所和食物。 4、I've never been in love before. I'll die if you go away. 这是我第一次恋爱,你走了我会死掉的。 5、Old fashion designers never die; they fad away. 老时装设计师不死,时尚一阵才消逝。 die down的含义及用法 die down意为减弱;逐渐平息。例句有: 1、The controversy is unlikely to die down. 争议不大可能平息。 2、The party didn't die down until about four in the morning. 一直到早上4点聚会的人群才渐渐散去。 3、Either way, the rumpus will die down in time. 无论你做何选择,喧嚣迟早都会平息。 4、Perhaps that love has yet to die down thoroughly within my soul; 也许爱情并为完全从我的心底消失; 5、The shouting outside suddenly began to die down. 大门外的呼噪蓦地低落下去了。 6、We're hoping that the storm can die down before we go out sailing. 我们希望暴风雨在我们出航前平息。 |